If you decide not to complete a course or Specialization that you've paid for, AASA may be able to refund your payment depending on our refund policies.
You can read our refund policies in full in AASA's Terms of Use.


In most cases, if you pay for a Course, you can request a refund within 1 week (7 days) after your payment.


If you pay by course for a Specialization, the refund policies for course payments apply to each course payment you make.
If you pre-pay for a Specialization, you can request a full refund up to one week after your payment date.
You cannot get a refund for a Specialization pre-payment if you've already used or downloaded any part of any course in the Specialization.

Partial refunds

We don't offer partial refunds for Specialization pre-payments. If you aren't sure you'll want to complete the entire Specialization, we recommend you pay by course.